Empowerment through arts and legal design: Dan Jackson from NuLawLab

Dan Jackson was our guest on Legal Design Thinking IRL this week.

We talked about legal empowerment and how using legal design and its practical applications is helping people and communities navigate the legal system more efficiently. 

Dan directs the NuLawLab at Northeastern University School of Law, an interdisciplinary design and innovation laboratory working to merge creative arts and law to create new models of legal empowerment. 

Dan is a 1997 graduate of Northeastern Law and a 1990 graduate of Northwestern University. Following a postgraduate clerkship at the U.S. Court of Appeals for the First Circuit, Dan worked for 13 years with the law firm of Bingham McCutchen, ultimately serving as the firm’s director of attorney development after practicing in the employment law group. Before law school, Dan worked as a designer for theater. He continues to do so, most recently with the Provincetown Tennessee Williams Theater Festival and The Provincetown Theater.

Tune in and see how the NuLawLab is helping people access their legal rights without hiring a lawyer.

You’ll learn

  1. What the NuLawLab is
  2. Why Northeastern University School of Law is revolutionary in its approach to teaching new lawyers and legal design
  3. How NuLawLab works to shape empowerment and agency for legal consumers 
  4. How the innovation lab works in practice – with examples
  5. The successes and failures
  6. About the NuLawLab book: “Legal Design, dignifying people in legal systems.”(It’s not published yet.)
  7. Where to find NuLawLab

Legal design thinking: IRL. Episode 50

I’m Hannele Korhonen, founder of Lawyers Design School and host of Legal Design IRL. Each week I encourage lawyers to broaden their thinking about their legal work by inviting guests to share new perspectives and experiences in the law. We talk about Legal Design, design thinking, Contract Design, innovation and the future of law. Most importantly, we cover how exploring new possibilities can help you be a happier and more innovative lawyer who delivers legal services your way.

If you enjoyed the talk, you can join me live every Wednesday at 8 am ET on LinkedIn. The chat is open for your questions. 

Lawyers Design School is a learning centre for lawyers and practitioners who want to explore new possibilities in law, break down the barriers to justice and thrive in their careers. Through courses, workshops and the free weekly Legal Design IRL interviews I’ll show you real-life design thinking and innovation in action. If you’re a change-maker lawyer or a lawyer who knows they want to change but doesn’t know where to start – stick around.

Learn more about  Legal Design and Contract Design and how it can transform your work and career in the law.

You can catch a replay of episode 50  Legal Design Thinking: IRL or join me live next week and ask questions. 

Want to chat about legal empowerment?

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Prefer email? Drop me an email at [email protected]. And while you’re here, take a peek at the Lawyers Design School and check out other ways to use legal design thinking to grow your law firm and thrive in your business.
Watch all the Legal Design IRL Episodes episodes.


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